how to speak fluent english

Alright! So the point is: Every language in the world works on certain pattern of learning. You have to understand it about English language also. Languages are learned or can be had command over only with the natural sequence of learning them. That natural sequence is *LSRW*. Meaning, 1) Listening 2) Speaking Writing 4) Writing Now, you must observe *writing* is *the last* part here, which we learn first in India. Hence, students get it difficult to use the language properly and fluently. So, according to the above natural sequence, *Listening* comes first. Ask yourself how much English do you listen daily. We only speak fluently what we hear. Read matter has to be mugged up to be used. Hence, to be able to *speak* English, you *must listen* to it *daily*. In other words, the use of mouth is associated with ears in case of language learning process. Secondly, you can only write if you read. You have to go through each new word to be able to write it correctly. Thus, you can conclude that eyes are associated with hands here. Your hand will only write what you see. (Even in dictation, if you don't know the spelling of newly heard word, you have to ask its spelling first. Then, you visualize it and write. And therefore, *reading* is *must* in order to be able to *write*. *In a nutshell, your reading decides your writing and your listening decides your speaking.* Now that you have understood the formula, go accordingly. There's nothing much to know about any language learning process. This is everything. Fundamental rules you can say!

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